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Compression of responses

The Accept-Encoding headerโ€‹

Our endpoints support gzip compression of the response they produce. You can accomplish this by providing the Accept-Encoding header and setting the value to gzip as per the Header Parameters section of each endpoint in our API documentation.

If you do not wish to receive a compressed response you can either provide the Accept-Encoding header with the value set to identity or omit it altogether.

The process of compressing the response for an asynchronous endpoint does not by default compress the result of the calculation, please continue to the next section.

The resultEncoding query parameterโ€‹

Our asynchronous endpoints support gzip compression of the result of the calculations they run and store to a temporary file. You can accomplish this by providing the resultEncoding query parameter and setting the value to gzip as per the Query Parameters section of asynchronous endpoints in our API documentation.

If you do not wish to receive a compressed result you can either provide the resultEncoding query parameter with the value set to identity or omit it altogether.