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Early access preview: A webhook is a mechanism that allows real-time communication between Orgvue and your infrastructure by providing a simple way to notify you when a specific event in your data occurs. Unlike traditional API interactions, where your application periodically polls the Orgvue API for updates, webhooks take a reverse approach. Instead, your application provides a URL endpoint that Orgvue can call to deliver event notifications.

When a webhook-enabled event occurs in Orgvue, it triggers an HTTP GET request to the specified URL endpoint of the listener application. This request contains structured data related to the event.

Subscription statusโ€‹

Webhook subscriptions have three possible states:

  • active: Your application is subscribed with a specific webhook and receives events successfully
  • inactive: Webhook subscription was deactivated manually by you
  • suspended: Webhook subscription was deactivated by Orgvue

Orgvue resource eventโ€‹

The provision of additional metadata varies depending on the type of resource event.

Dataset eventโ€‹

"tenantId": "TENANT_ID",
"datasetId": "44BA-4BCV221...",
"transactionId": "AAAA-123BBAA...",
"user": "",
"timestamp": "2022-05-15T10:10:34.000Z",
"eventType": "DatasetCreate" | "DatasetUpdate" | "DatasetDelete" | "DatasetUndelete",
"eventBody": {
"propertyCreate": 4,
"propertyUpdate": 3,
"propertyDelete": 0

Event types: DatasetCreate, DatasetUpdate, DatasetDelete, DatasetUndelete

Dataset Items eventโ€‹

"tenantId": "TENANT_ID",
"datasetId": "44BA-4BCV221...",
"transactionId": "AAAA-123BBAA...",
"user": "",
"timestamp": "2022-05-15T10:10:34.000Z",
"eventType": "DatasetItems",
"eventBody": {
"itemCreate": 4,
"itemUpdate": 3,
"itemDelete": 0

Event type: DatasetItems

Draft eventโ€‹

"tenantId": "TENANT_ID",
"draftId": "44BA-4BCV221...",
"transactionId": "AAAA-123BBAA...",
"user": "",
"timestamp": "2022-05-15T10:10:34.000Z",
"eventType": "DraftCreate" | "DraftUpdate" | "DraftDelete" | "DraftUndelete",
"eventBody": {
"layerCreate": 4,
"layerUpdate": 3,
"layerDelete": 0

Event types: DraftCreate, DraftUpdate, DraftDelete, DraftUndelete

Draft Layer Items eventโ€‹

"tenantId": "TENANT_ID",
"datasetId": "56BA-4B4V221...",
"permissionViewId": "61BA-4B4V221...", //optional, only if a permssionview is referenced
"draftId": "44BA-4BCV221...",
"draftLayer": "default",
"transactionId": "AAAA-123BBAA...",
"user": "",
"timestamp": "2022-05-15T10:10:34.000Z",
"eventType": "DraftLayerItems",
"eventBody": {
"itemCreate": 4,
"itemUpdate": 3,
"itemDelete": 0

Event type: DatasetItems