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Full List of API Errors

You can use these tables as a reference when integrating against our API Error entities.

Supporting information can be found in additional error fields as described by the error schema.

Authentication and Gateway errorsโ€‹

Errors of this type have five-digit codes.

40101AuthorizationHeaderEmptyThe Authorization header is required for authentication. It should contain a valid API Token generated from the Orgvue tokens dashboard. It should follow the Bearer authentication scheme, i.e. be of the format Bearer: {apiToken}.
40102ApiTokenInvalidThe API Token in the Authorization header was not valid. API Tokens must be exactly of the format generated by the Orgvue tokens dashboard.
40103BearerTokenNotFoundThe Authorization header must follow the Bearer authentication scheme, i.e. be of the format Bearer: apiToken.
40301ApiTokenNotYetActiveThe API Token was used before its Start Date. The Start Date is set when generating a token via the Orgvue tokens dashboard.
40302ApiTokenExpiredThe API Token was used after its Expiration Date. The Expiration Date is set when generating a token via the Orgvue tokens dashboard.
40303ApiTokenSubnetViolationThe API Token could not be used from your IP address. The permitted IP Subnets are set via the Orgvue tokens dashboard (which also display your current IP address).
40321MultipleAccountsFoundMultiple accounts were found for your user. You should contact to resolve this issue.
40322UserAccountDisabledThe API Token is not valid because the associated user account is disabled. A different API Token must be used that was generated for an active account.
40323UserAccountExpiredThe API Token is not valid because the associated user account has expired. A different API Token must be used that was generated for an active account.
40324UserAccountSubnetViolationThe user account associated with the API Token could not be accessed from your IP address. This is due to IP restrictions set for this user.
40325UserApiTokenAccessProhibitedThe user account associated with the API Token has not been granted API Token access. An administrator needs to allow access for this user.
40342TenantSubnetViolationThe requested tenant cannot be accessed from your IP address. Tenant IP restrictions can be updated by an administrator via the Super UI portal.
40343TenantExpiredThe requested tenant cannot be accessed as it has expired. You should contact to resolve this issue.
40344TenantApiTokenAccessProhibitedAPI Token access is prohibited for this tenant. Tenant API Token access can be updated by an administrator via the Super UI portal.
40345TenantUsagePlanNotConfiguredThe API Usage Plan for this tenant is not configured. Please contact to resolve this issue.
40401TenantOrUserAccountNotFoundThe tenant or user account could not be found. You should contact to resolve this issue.
40901TransactionConflictRetryLaterAnother transaction involving this dataset is currently in progress. Please attempt the transaction again at a later time.

Usage plan errorsโ€‹

42901ThrottledThe limit for the number of API requests that can be made within a certain time period has been exceeded. You may try again later. If the issue persists you should contact
42902QuotaExceededThe limit for the number of API requests has been exceeded. You should contact to resolve this issue.

Gateway errorsโ€‹

50001InternalServerErrorThere was an internal error. If the issue persists you should contact
50201BadGatewayErrorThere was an unexpected error. If the issue persists you should contact
50301ServiceUnavailableOur service is currently offline, please try again later. If the issue persists you should contact
50401GatewayTimeoutThere was an unexpected error. If the issue persists you should contact
50402GatewayIntegrationErrorThere was an unexpected error. If the issue persists you should contact

Orgvue-specific permissioning/internal errorsโ€‹

40360DatasetActionForbiddenYou do not have permission to access the dataset specified by the dataset id.
40361ItemReadForbiddenYou do not have permission to access the item with the given unique identifier in this dataset.
40362IdentityKeyReadDeniedYou do not have permission to access the item property that was specified as the identity key.
40363ItemDeleteDeniedYou do not have permission to delete the item with the given unique identifier in this dataset.
40364MergeKeyReadDeniedYou do not have permission to access the item property that was specified as the merge key.
40365ItemModificationForbiddenNo access rights available to Create, Update or Delete any Items
40367WebhookActionForbiddenYou do not have permission to perform this action on the webhook provided.
42201SecurityRuleIsInvalidCustom permissioning rules are written in an internal file, and this error arises if that file is found written in a way that ends up invalid.
42202DatasetIsMissingAutoIdThe dataset specified by the given dataset id does not have any property set as the autoId.

Bad request errorsโ€‹

Errors of this type have six-digit codes.

400000RequestIsInvalidThis is the default error response for all 4XX errors. If you are seeing this error, one or more of the following has gone wrong: The requested resource was not found. The payload contains an unsupported media type. The request was too large to process. The request was blocked by AWS WAF or was otherwise denied. If the issue persists you should contact
400001JsonPayloadMustNotBeEmptyThe body of the request was unexpectedly empty.
400002JsonPayloadIsInvalidThe body of the request was not valid JSON.
400003JsonPayloadMustBeObjectThe JSON body of the request was not an object. An object was expected matching the schema described in our OpenAPI documentation.
400004JsonBodyIsNotAllowedThis HTTP method must not include a JSON payload.
400006QueryParameterKeyIsInvalidA key in the query string was not a valid JSON path.
400007FieldMustNotBeSetViaQueryParameterThe field specified by a query parameter is not allowed to be set in the query string. It should instead be set via the JSON body.
400008QueryParameterKeyNotImplementedA key in the query string must be one of a particular set of allowed values. The specific key will be indicated by queryParameterKey
400011FieldMustNotBeEmptyA field in the payload is required. The specific field will be indicated by the jsonBody or queryParameter.
400012FieldMustNotBeNullA field in the payload must not be null. The specific field will be indicated by the jsonBody or queryParameter.
400013FieldMustBeProvidedYou must provide this mandatory field with this request.
400014FieldValueNotAllowedThe value provided for the field indicated is not allowed (allowed values may depend on other parameters provided).
400016FieldIsReservedThis is a reserved property where the value cannot be edited.
400017FieldKeyNotAllowedThe provided property key must be in an acceptable format (e.g. should not prefixed with _).
400018FieldMustBeSpecificValueThe value provided for the field indicated can only be one specific value. This should conform to the expected schema.
400020FieldMustNotBeMultivaluedA value for a key in the query string must be singular. The specific key will be indicated by queryParameterKey
400101FieldMustBeStringA field in the payload must be a string. The specific field will be indicated by the jsonBody or queryParameter.
400102FieldMustMatchRegexA field in the payload must be a string matching a format defined by a regular expression. The specific field will be indicated by the jsonBody or queryParameter.
400103FieldMustBeUUIDStringA field in the payload must be a string matching the UUID format. The specific field will be indicated by the jsonBody or queryParameter.
400104FieldMustBeTenantIdStringA field in the payload must be a string matching the expected format for a tenant id. This is a string of 1 to 30 characters from a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and _. The specific field will be indicated by the jsonBody or queryParameter.
400105FieldMustBeSecureURLStringThe export object location you have provided is not a https uri.
400107PortMustNotBeSpecifiedMust not specify ports when providing secure uri locations for export.
400121FieldMustBeEnumMemberA field in the payload must be one of a particular set of allowed values. The specific field will be indicated by the jsonBody or queryParameter.
400122TemplateVariableMustBeEnumMemberA variable in the url template must be one of a particular set of allowed values: jobStatus, traceId,tenantId
400201FieldMustBeNumberA field in the payload must be a number. The specific field will be indicated by the jsonBody or queryParameter.
400291FieldMustBeBooleanA field in the payload must be either true or false. The specific field will be indicated by the jsonBody or queryParameter.
400301FieldMustBeObjectA field in the payload must be an object. The specific field will be indicated by the jsonBody or queryParameter.
400302ObjectMustNotBeEmptyThe object field provided must not be empty.
400306FilterOperatorNotSupportedA key under a filter object prefixed with a dollar sign ($) must be a supported MongoDB operator ($in, $nin, $lt, $lte, $gt, $lte, $notor$or).
400351FieldMustBeArrayA field in the payload must be an array. The specific field will be indicated by the jsonBody or queryParameter.
400352ArrayMustNotBeEmptyThe array field provided must not be empty.
400353ArrayMustNotContainDuplicatesThe array field provided must not contain duplicate entries.
400511PathParameterMustNotBeEmptyA path parameter must not be empty. The specific path parameter will be indicated the pathParameter.
400602PathParameterMustMatchRegexA path parameter must be a string matching a format defined by a regular expression. The specific path parameter will be indicated the pathParameter.
400603PathParameterMustBeUUIDStringA path parameter must be a string matching the UUID format. The specific path parameter will be indicated the pathParameter.
400604PathParameterMustBeTenantIdStringA path parameter must be a string matching the expected format for a tenant id. This is a string of 1 to 30 characters from a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and _. The specific path parameter will be indicated the pathParameter.
400621PathParameterMustBeEnumMemberA path parameter must be one of a particular set of allowed values. The specific path parameter will be indicated the pathParameter.
400622PathParameterMustBeExportFormatA path parameter must be an export format, i.e. it must be "JsonRows" (other formats will be available in future versions). The specific path parameter will be indicated the pathParameter.
400651PropertyMustBeOnDemandThe on-demand evaluation property you have specified is not an on-demand property.
400660ResourceIsExpiredThe resource provided has expired.
400661ResourceActionIsNotAllowedA file has already been uploaded to the resource location. You cannot upload to this resource again.
400662ResourceSizeIsTooLargeThe content you are trying to upload exceeds the maximum supported file size of 512MB.
400663ResourceIsEmptyThe resource you are trying to use is empty or has not been uploaded.
400666IncorrectContentTypeProvidedIncorrect content-type header provided.
400799PropertyMustBeAutoIdThe property key you have specified is not the autoId.
400800IdentityKeyMustBeIndexedThe property key you have specified is not indexed.
400801ItemAlreadyExistsAn item with this unique identifier already exists. You cannot create an item with the same unique identifier.
400802ActionIsNotAllowedYou cannot perform this action in this context.
400803ActionIsForbiddenYou do not have permission to perform this action.
400804ItemNotFoundThe item specified by the identifier key was not found.
400805ItemIdMustBeProvidedThe item object in the request payload does not have the identifier field/key included.
400806ItemActionMustBeUniqueA specific item has more than one action object in the request payload.
400807ItemPropertyUpdateForbiddenYou do not have permission to update this item.
400808ItemMatchMustBeUniqueThe supplied identifier key matches more than one item (doesn't apply for _id).
400809MergeKeyMustBeProvidedThe merge key specified in the query parameter isn't provided in the request payload.
400810IdKeyMustBeProvidedThe idKey key specified in the query parameter isn't provided in the request payload.
400811LinksDatasetNotSupportedThe dataset modification endpoint does not support datasets of type "LINKS". Please utilize the appropriate endpoint specifically designed for link datasets when making modifications.
400812PropertyMustBeRequiredThis property is necessary for the correct setup of your dataset, so you must set isRequired to true
400814LinkedDatasetsMustNotHaveSameTypeDatasets of the same type cannot be linked to one another.
400815LinkedDatasetTypeMustBeEnumMemberThere are restrictions on which dataset types are allowed to be linked. The dataset specified has a type that cannot be linked. Which dataset types can be linked can be configured if required.
413001RequestTooLargeThe payload size of this request has exceeded the maximum supported size of 6Mb.
404001ViewNotFoundThe view specified by the given view id was not found on the server. Please check that it exactly matches the value for your desired view.
404002DatasetNotFoundThe dataset specified by the given dataset id was not found on the server. Please check that it exactly matches the value for your desired dataset.
404003ViewNotFoundForDatasetThe dataset specified by the given dataset id exists, but no valid default view could be found. Please contact support for information on how to resolve this.
404004LinkingDatasetNotFoundThe linking dataset specified by your request could be found. Please provide a valid linking dataset id.
404005ResourceLocationNotUsableThe resource location provided was not usable. Please check that the resource is valid, has not expired and has appropriate usage permissions.
404006DatasetNotExpectedTypeThe dataset specified by the given dataset id exists, but does not match the expected type. An id for a dataset of the correct type should instead be provided.
404007PropertyKeyNotFoundThe property key you have specified does not exist.
404008DatasetDeletedThe dataset specified by the given dataset id did exist, but is currently in the deleted state (meaning it can be restored via undelete).
404009IdentityKeyNotFoundThe property key you have specified as the identity key does not exist.
404010MergeKeyNotFoundThe property key you have specified as the merge key does not exist.
404011LayerNotFoundThe property key you have specified as the layer key does not exist.
404012LayerConfigurationConflictThere is a configuration conflict between the layers you have provided to be folded. This is most likely because the layers you have provided have different autoIds.
404013WebhookNotFoundThe webhook specified by the given webhook id was not found on the server. Please check that it exactly matches the value for your desired webhook.
405001HttpMethodIsNotAllowedThe http method in your request is not allowed for this path.
410001PathHasBeenRemovedThe endpoint at the specified path is deprecated and no longer a supported API resource. The export capability by providing a viewId for the dataset is no longer supported, please use the export by datasetId endpoint instead.
415001ContentTypeIsNotImplementedThe content type header value you provided is not implemented, please use application/json instead.